with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Text_IO;
+with AWS.Templates;
with Formatting_Helpers;
function Get_Walkthrough(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Walkthrough: out Walkthrough_Info.Map) return RetCode is
- return E_NOTIMPL;
+ case Problem.Prob_Data.Option is
+ when V_FROM_G_KS =>
+ return Gen_Walkthrough_V_FROM_G_KS(Problem, Walkthrough);
+ when KS_FROM_G_V =>
+ return Gen_Walkthrough_KS_FROM_G_V(Problem, Walkthrough);
+ return Gen_Walkthrough_C_FROM_KS_DIFFERENT_IONS(Problem, Walkthrough);
+ return Gen_Walkthrough_C_FROM_KS_SHARED_ION(Problem, Walkthrough);
+ end case;
end Get_Walkthrough;
function Set_Parameters(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Parameters: in Parameters_Info.Map) return RetCode is
return ((Prob_Data.M * C * GM) ** Prob_Data.M) * ((Prob_Data.N * C * GN) ** Prob_Data.N);
end Calculate_Solubility_Product;
+ function Gen_Walkthrough_V_FROM_G_KS(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Walkthrough: out Walkthrough_Info.Map) return RetCode is
+ package MEF is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions(SS_Float);
+ package FH is new Formatting_Helpers(SS_Float);
+ use AWS.Templates;
+ use MEF;
+ PRP_Fixed: constant String := UB_Text_To_Fixed_String(Problem.Resource_Prefix);
+ --
+ Ks_Div_MPN: constant SS_Float := Problem.Prob_Data.V_Ks / ((Problem.Prob_Data.M ** Problem.Prob_Data.M) * (Problem.Prob_Data.N ** Problem.Prob_Data.N));
+ -- Values used in context multiple formulas
+ Diss_C: constant SS_Float := (Problem.Prob_Data.V_Ks / ((Problem.Prob_Data.M ** Problem.Prob_Data.M) * (Problem.Prob_Data.N ** Problem.Prob_Data.N))) ** (1.0 / (Problem.Prob_Data.M + Problem.Prob_Data.N));
+ DC_Int_Str: UB_Text;
+ DC_Dec_Str: UB_Text;
+ DC_Exp_Str: UB_Text;
+ M_Int: Integer := Integer(Problem.Prob_Data.M);
+ N_Int: Integer := Integer(Problem.Prob_Data.N);
+ Final_Trans: Translate_Set;
+ TeXCode: UB_Text;
+ Ret: RetCode;
+ begin
+ -- Init multicontext data
+ FH.Split_Integer_Decimal_Exponent_Strs(Diss_C, DECIMALS, DC_Int_Str, DC_Dec_Str, DC_Exp_Str);
+ -- Plug the numbers into the raw equation for dissolved concentration
+ declare
+ M_Str: String := Integer'Image(M_Int);
+ N_Str: String := Integer'Image(N_Int);
+ Ks_Int_Str: UB_Text;
+ Ks_Dec_Str: UB_Text;
+ Ks_Exp_Str: UB_Text;
+ Trans: Translate_Set;
+ begin
+ FH.Split_Integer_Decimal_Exponent_Strs(Problem.Prob_Data.V_Ks, DECIMALS, Ks_Int_Str, Ks_Dec_Str, Ks_Exp_Str);
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_KS_INT_KEY, Ks_Int_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_KS_DEC_KEY, Ks_Dec_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_KS_EXP_KEY, Ks_Exp_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_M_KEY, M_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_N_KEY, N_Str));
+ TeXCode := Parse(Filename => WT_T_PREFIX & "v_plug_numbers.ttex", Translations => Trans);
+ Ret := TeX_To_PNG(TeXCode, WT_F_V_PLUGNUMS, Problem.Resource_Prefix);
+ if Ret /= OK then
+ return Ret;
+ end if;
+ Problem.Add_Tracked_Resource(WT_F_V_PLUGNUMS & WT_F_EXTENSION);
+ Insert(Final_Trans, Assoc(WT_V_PLUG_C_RESULT_KEY, PRP_Fixed & WT_F_V_PLUGNUMS & WT_F_EXTENSION));
+ end;
+ -- Show the result just before root extraction
+ declare
+ MPN_Str: constant String := Integer'Image(M_Int + N_Int);
+ KDMN_Int_Str: UB_Text;
+ KDMN_Dec_Str: UB_Text;
+ KDMN_Exp_Str: UB_Text;
+ Trans: Translate_Set;
+ begin
+ FH.Split_Integer_Decimal_Exponent_Strs(Ks_Div_MPN, DECIMALS, KDMN_Int_Str, KDMN_Dec_Str, KDMN_Exp_Str);
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_KDMN_INT_KEY, KDMN_Int_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_KDMN_DEC_KEY, KDMN_Dec_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_KDMN_EXP_KEY, KDMN_Exp_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_MPN_KEY, MPN_Str));
+ TeXCode := Parse(Filename => WT_T_PREFIX & "v_pre_radex.ttex", Translations => Trans);
+ Ret := TeX_To_PNG(TeXCode, WT_F_V_PRE_RADEX, Problem.Resource_Prefix);
+ if Ret /= OK then
+ return Ret;
+ end if;
+ Problem.Add_Tracked_Resource(WT_F_V_PRE_RADEX & WT_F_EXTENSION);
+ end;
+ -- Dissolved concentration
+ declare
+ Trans: Translate_Set;
+ begin
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_DC_INT_KEY, DC_Int_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_DC_DEC_KEY, DC_Dec_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_DC_EXP_KEY, DC_Exp_Str));
+ TeXCode := Parse(Filename => WT_T_PREFIX & "v_diss_c.ttex", Translations => Trans);
+ Ret := TeX_To_PNG(TeXCode, WT_F_V_PRE_RADEX, Problem.Resource_Prefix);
+ if Ret /= OK then
+ return Ret;
+ end if;
+ Problem.Add_Tracked_Resource(WT_F_V_DISS_C & WT_F_EXTENSION);
+ Insert(Final_Trans, Assoc(WT_V_DISS_C_RESULT_KEY, PRP_Fixed & WT_F_V_PRE_RADEX & WT_F_EXTENSION));
+ end;
+ -- Plug the numbers into the volume calculation
+ declare
+ G_Int_Str: UB_Text;
+ G_Dec_Str: UB_Text;
+ MW_Int_Str: UB_Text;
+ MW_Dec_Str: UB_Text;
+ Trans: Translate_Set;
+ begin
+ FH.Split_Integer_Decimal_Unscaled_Strs(Problem.Prob_Data.V_G, DECIMALS, G_Int_Str, G_Dec_Str);
+ FH.Split_Integer_Decimal_Unscaled_Strs(Problem.Prob_Data.V_MW, DECIMALS, MW_Int_Str, MW_Dec_Str);
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_G_INT_KEY, G_Int_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_G_DEC_KEY, G_Dec_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_MW_INT_KEY, MW_Int_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_MW_DEC_KEY, MW_Dec_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_DC_INT_KEY, DC_Int_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_DC_DEC_KEY, DC_Dec_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_DC_EXP_KEY, DC_Exp_Str));
+ TeXCode := Parse(Filename => WT_T_PREFIX & "v_volume_plug.ttex", Translations => Trans);
+ Ret := TeX_To_PNG(TeXCode, WT_F_V_PLUG, Problem.Resource_Prefix);
+ if Ret /= OK then
+ return Ret;
+ end if;
+ Problem.Add_Tracked_Resource(WT_F_V_PLUG & WT_F_EXTENSION);
+ Insert(Final_Trans, Assoc(WT_V_PLUG_VOLUME_RESULT_KEY, PRP_Fixed & WT_F_V_PLUG & WT_F_EXTENSION));
+ end;
+ -- Display the final result
+ declare
+ Res_Int_Str: UB_Text;
+ Res_Dec_Str: UB_Text;
+ Res_Exp_Str: UB_Text;
+ Trans: Translate_Set;
+ begin
+ FH.Split_Integer_Decimal_Exponent_Strs(Problem.Answer_Num, DECIMALS, Res_Int_Str, Res_Dec_Str, Res_Exp_Str);
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_RES_INT_KEY, Res_Int_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_RES_DEC_KEY, Res_Dec_Str));
+ Insert(Trans, Assoc(WT_RES_EXP_KEY, Res_Exp_Str));
+ TeXCode := Parse(Filename => WT_T_PREFIX & "v_answer.ttex", Translations => Trans);
+ Ret := TeX_To_PNG(TeXCode, WT_F_ANSWER, Problem.Resource_Prefix);
+ if Ret /= OK then
+ return Ret;
+ end if;
+ Problem.Add_Tracked_Resource(WT_F_ANSWER & WT_F_EXTENSION);
+ Insert(Final_Trans, Assoc(WT_ANSWER_RESULT_KEY, PRP_Fixed & WT_F_ANSWER & WT_F_EXTENSION));
+ end;
+ return OK;
+ end Gen_Walkthrough_V_FROM_G_KS;
+ function Gen_Walkthrough_KS_FROM_G_V(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Walkthrough: out Walkthrough_Info.Map) return RetCode is
+ begin
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ end Gen_Walkthrough_KS_FROM_G_V;
+ function Gen_Walkthrough_C_FROM_KS_DIFFERENT_IONS(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Walkthrough: out Walkthrough_Info.Map) return RetCode is
+ begin
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ end Gen_Walkthrough_C_FROM_KS_DIFFERENT_IONS;
+ function Gen_Walkthrough_C_FROM_KS_SHARED_ION(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Walkthrough: out Walkthrough_Info.Map) return RetCode is
+ begin
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ end Gen_Walkthrough_C_FROM_KS_SHARED_ION;
function Generate_Electrolyte_Concentration return SS_Float is
package MEF is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions(SS_Float);
use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;
procedure Add_Tracked_Resource(Problem: in out Chem_Problem; Name: in String);
procedure Free_Tracked_Resources(Problem: in out Chem_Problem);
+ WT_F_EXTENSION: constant String := ".png";
WALKTHROUGH_TEMPLATES_PATH: constant String := "walkthrough_templates/";
package Acidobazic_Suite is
WT_ANSWER_PH_INT_KEY: constant String := "WT_ANSWER_PH_INT";
WT_ANSWER_PH_DEC_KEY: constant String := "WT_ANSWER_PH_DEC";
- WT_F_EXTENSION: constant String := ".png";
WT_F_RESULT: constant String := "result";
WT_F_ION_CONC: constant String := "ion_conc";
WT_F_CHECK_ATPR: constant String := "check_atpr";
type SS_Float is digits 17;
subtype Stochiometric_Count is Positive range 1 .. 5;
- MOLAR_WEIGHT_MAX: constant SS_Float := 450.0;
- MOLAR_WEIGHT_MIN: constant SS_Float := 45.0;
- PKS_MAX: constant SS_Float := 54.0;
- PKS_MIN: constant SS_Float := 10.0;
- SAMPLE_VOLUME_LOG_MAX: constant SS_Float := 10.0;
- SAMPLE_VOLUME_LOG_MIN: constant SS_Float := -0.3;
- SAMPLE_WEIGHT_MAX: constant SS_Float := 1.5;
- SAMPLE_WEIGHT_MIN: constant SS_Float := 0.1;
- DECIMALS: constant Natural := 3;
- DECIMALS_MW: constant Natural := 2;
- PRECISION: constant SS_Float := 1.0E2;
type Ion is
Concentration: SS_Float;
function Calculate_Sat_Concentration_Shared(Prob_Data: in Solubility_Problem_Data; Ionic_Strength: in Boolean) return SS_Float;
function Calculate_Sample_Volume(Prob_Data: in Solubility_Problem_Data; Ionic_Strength: in Boolean) return SS_Float;
function Calculate_Solubility_Product(Prob_Data: in Solubility_Problem_Data; Ionic_Strength: in Boolean) return SS_Float;
+ function Gen_Walkthrough_V_FROM_G_KS(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Walkthrough: out Walkthrough_Info.Map) return RetCode;
+ function Gen_Walkthrough_KS_FROM_G_V(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Walkthrough: out Walkthrough_Info.Map) return RetCode;
+ function Gen_Walkthrough_C_FROM_KS_DIFFERENT_IONS(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Walkthrough: out Walkthrough_Info.Map) return RetCode;
+ function Gen_Walkthrough_C_FROM_KS_SHARED_ION(Problem: in out Solubility_Problem; Walkthrough: out Walkthrough_Info.Map) return RetCode;
function Generate_Electrolyte_Concentration return SS_Float;
function Generate_Sample_Volume return SS_Float;
function Generate_Solubility_Product return SS_Float;
procedure Get_Precise_Answer_String(Message: in out UB_Text; P_Subtype: in Problem_Subtype; Answer: in SS_Float);
+ MOLAR_WEIGHT_MAX: constant SS_Float := 450.0;
+ MOLAR_WEIGHT_MIN: constant SS_Float := 45.0;
+ PKS_MAX: constant SS_Float := 54.0;
+ PKS_MIN: constant SS_Float := 10.0;
+ SAMPLE_VOLUME_LOG_MAX: constant SS_Float := 10.0;
+ SAMPLE_VOLUME_LOG_MIN: constant SS_Float := -0.3;
+ SAMPLE_WEIGHT_MAX: constant SS_Float := 1.5;
+ SAMPLE_WEIGHT_MIN: constant SS_Float := 0.1;
+ DECIMALS: constant Natural := 3;
+ DECIMALS_MW: constant Natural := 2;
+ PRECISION: constant SS_Float := 1.0E2;
+ --
+ WT_T_PREFIX: constant String := WALKTHROUGH_TEMPLATES_PATH & "solubility_suite/";
+ WT_F_ANSWER: constant String := "answer";
+ WT_F_V_DISS_C: constant String := "v_diss_c";
+ WT_F_V_PLUGNUMS: constant String := "v_plug_nums";
+ WT_F_V_PRE_RADEX: constant String := "v_pre_radex";
+ WT_F_V_PLUG: constant String := "v_plug";
+ --
+ WT_DC_INT_KEY: constant String := "WT_DC_INT";
+ WT_DC_DEC_KEY: constant String := "WT_DC_DEC";
+ WT_DC_EXP_KEY: constant String := "WT_DC_EXP";
+ WT_G_INT_KEY: constant String := "WT_G_INT";
+ WT_G_DEC_KEY: constant String := "WT_G_DEC";
+ WT_KDMN_INT_KEY: constant String := "WT_KDMN_INT";
+ WT_KDMN_DEC_KEY: constant String := "WT_KDMN_DEC";
+ WT_KDMN_EXP_KEY: constant String := "WT_KDMN_EXP";
+ WT_KS_INT_KEY: constant String := "WT_KS_INT";
+ WT_KS_DEC_KEY: constant String := "WT_KS_DEC";
+ WT_KS_EXP_KEY: constant String := "WT_KS_EXP";
+ WT_M_KEY: constant String := "WT_M";
+ WT_N_KEY: constant String := "WT_N";
+ WT_MPN_KEY: constant String := "WT_MPN";
+ WT_MW_INT_KEY: constant String := "WT_MW_INT_KEY";
+ WT_MW_DEC_KEY: constant String := "WT_MW_DEC_KEY";
+ WT_RES_INT_KEY: constant String := "WT_RES_INT_KEY";
+ WT_RES_DEC_KEY: constant String := "WT_RES_DEC_KEY";
+ WT_RES_EXP_KEY: constant String := "WT_RES_EXP_KEY";
end Solubility_Suite;
package Titration_Curve_Suite is